Trying Gas Mark 10 & Paddy The Baddy Pre Workout – Use with Extreme Caution

In this video, I tried out various different pre-workouts including gas mark 10 and Paddy the baddy pre workout and this was my results. Lets just say it wasn’t for me and I had some bad experiences as you can see from watching the video.

Big Rob Taylor come and paid me a visit when taking the cocaine like substance which is the rocket fuel gas mark 10. Take this stuff with extreme caution. You have been warned.

So as you can see pre-workout just isn’t for me personally put that doesn’t mean it won’t be for you so let me know in the comments what you think is the best pre-workout. And if you do try any of the ones I took in this video let me know in the comments what they did for you.

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from Operation Feel Fit

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